Sunday, 21 April 2013

WIP - Washi Dress

Shirring, cut out neck detail and giant basting/tacking stitches!

ps - I've now added Disqus for comments as I was having a few little problems. Fingers crossed it works! You don't have to have a Disqus account to comment, it can be done as a guest. Please leave comments as I love reading them (and knowing that someone, anyone, is actually even mildly interested in my makes...!!) 


  1. Ohhh,... this is looking good! That blue is fierce!

  2. Wow, you're working fast! Look forward to seeing it finished.

  3. Disqus hates me for some reason...but I look forward to seeing your dress!

  4. Yes, I'm having a few teething problems with it now as well! But I did see you previous blogger comment and then somehow disqus has deleted it, sorry! Thanks for the encouragement, I'm planning to finish it this week...

  5. Thank you Amanda. It looks electric in the sun. But I am afraid that today might have been the only sunny day in England this year and I haven't got my dress complete so I've missed the opportunity! Nay mind, there's always next year, right?!


I love to hear from you so please leave me a comment. Thanks!